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Altar Care
Altar care is responsible for the liturgical environment, which includes cleaning and preparing the altar, communion vessels, candles, and flowers every week. For more information on this ministry please contact the Parish Office: 912-925-4725
Altar Servers
Liturgical functions, especially the Mass, are the heart and soul of a Parish. In order for these Liturgies to be conducted in the most dignified fashion, it is essential to have a core of dedicated servers willing to make a commitment to this important ministry. You must be in the 3rd grade, but can be a trainee in 1st & 2nd grade. Adults are welcome as well. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Saint Frances Cabrini Council of Catholic Women

Co-Vice Presidents: Connie Wambold & Pam King
Secretary: Mary Salmon
Treasurer: Mary Grundy
Spiritual Chair: Patricia Foley
Music Program
Our ministry of music plays an important role in the masses at St. Frances Cabrini. We are pleased to have a part-time staff of four professional musicians (conductor, organist, pianist, and cantor) who work with the singers in our choirs. To accompany our singers, we are feature a 3-manual Allen organ and a new Yamaha digital piano.
The Traditional Choir sings at the11:00 Mass on Sundays and rehearses at 9:45 am each Sunday morning. While this choir sings primarily traditional church music, their repertoire also includes a variety of musical styles. There is also a small group of singers that leads the hymns at the 4:00 pm Saturday Mass.
No music training is necessary to join one of these organizations. All are welcome to be a part of the music program.
For information, contact Dr. Jim Anderson 912-704-5099 or contact him at
Extraordinary Ministries of Holy Communion
The term “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” is used to distinguish them from “Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” who are priests or deacons. You assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass, may also conduct a Holy Communion Service in the absence of a priest or deacon, and can take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and have received the three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation). Given the importance of this ministry and its special relationship with the Holy Eucharist, persons may be so designated only by appointment from the diocesan bishop following a recommendation by their pastor. For information on this ministry contact the Parish Office.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee prepares and oversees the budget for the parish. Members are appointed by the pastor. For more information on this ministry please contact the Parish Office.
Fil-Am Social/Prayer Group
For more information on this ministry please contact Mercy Olegario at (H) 912.352.8676.
Korean Mass
The Korean Ministry at St. Frances Cabrini includes the celebration of Mass in Korean, RCIA (adult convert class), and fellowship for all Korean Catholics in the Savannah Deanery. Fellowship activities include potluck dinners and scripture reflection in the houses of selected families.
For more information on this ministry contact:
Sungkon Chang
Phone Number: 912-712-6539.
Community Facebook: Facebook Page
Kakao Talk ID: sungkonchang0
The lectors’ ministry bears the responsibility of proclaiming God’s Word to the people in the service of the faith. The message of salvation is read to the congregation through both the Old Testament and the New Testament at each Mass. Thus, we acquire a deeper understanding and love of the Scripture and are privileged to share this knowledge with the faithful. Lectors serve at all Masses on the weekend as well as Masses on Holy Days of Obligation. For more information about participating in this ministry contact the Parish Office.
Men's Club
The Men’s Club aims to form and develop fellowship among the men through scheduled spiritual and social service activities. We will support parish religious and social activities as requested and provide a resource for the pastor as needed. Members must be 21 to join. We welcome all men within the parish to join us and share ideas. Our men are a special group dedicated to our parish, our faith, and the parishioners. We can accomplish those objectives through service to others.
Parish Council
The Parish Council is a representative body, which seeks to assess the spiritual and temporal needs of the parish and encourage participation of all members in the spiritual and apostolic life of the parish. We also exercise a vital role in the decision making process of the parish in open dialogue with the priests and representatives of the parish community to reach consensus. The Council membership consists of six (6) lay members elected by the parish at large to serve two-year terms, members from each of the Church ministries, and the Parish Priest. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
Parish Life
The Parish Life Committee plans and sets up celebratory receptions and other special events, like Breakfast With Santa, Angel Trees, & the Easter Egg Hunt to foster communication and fellowship among Parish members. New members are always welcome to bring creative ideas and a desire to work on various activities throughout the year. For more information on this ministry please contact Melissa King at 912-925-4725 or
Sandwiches for Inner City Night Shelter
Volunteers make two loaves of sandwiches to be dropped off at the Parish and then taken down to the Inner City Night Shelter. For more information, contact Patricia Foley at 912-224-9546 or
Scripture Study, Reflection, Prayer Group
Scripture Study and Sharing on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 am in the parish hall. Come and study the readings for the coming Sunday’s Mass, discuss and offer prayers for intentions. For more information contact the Parish Office.
Cabrini’s Usher Core is comprised of men, women, and children who volunteer their time to serve at each mass –Saturdays, Sundays, and special parish services. First and foremost you meet and greet people as they come to Mass
ensuring a welcoming and inviting community. Other duties include seating people, collecting the offertory gifts, securing the offertory, and directing people during communion. After Mass, they order the Church, returning kneelers and booklets to there proper places. The time required is usually 15 minutes prior to Mass and 10-to-15 minutes after Mass. For more information on this ministry please contact the Parish Office.